Sunday, February 5, 2012

All Levels- Fun Flashcards

The website, InsideStory Flashcards, provides a colorful, entertaining way to learn vocabulary words.
Click Here to Begin
If you decide to use this website to learn words, you will need to follow the guidelines below:

Level E: Level EASY
Level 1: Level MEDIUM
Level 2: Level Medium (10), HARD (10 words)

Pick 20 words in your level.
Step 1: Create a Post on your Blog, titled "My Inside Story Flashcards"
Step 2: In no longer than 7 minutes, pick 20 words in your level that you want to study
Step 3: Write those words into your blog separated by a comma (ex: bare, cluster, barren)
Step 4: Create a PAGE BREAK after your list of words (it is the icon on the right, below)

Step 5: Take a snapshot only big enough to capture the flashcard for the word you chose (Command+Shift+4). Do this for all your chosen words. Your blog should begin to visually look like this: (but with 20 cards)
Step 6: Once you have your 20 listed on your blog, you may print them as flashcards. Go down to the bottom of the page at the InsideStory website and click the "print" icon.
Step 7: Click only on the words you chose, creating a checkmark next to that word
Step 8: Click the "Print" icon at the top of the page

Use this post on your blog to study.

Have fun! There are some crazy and fun pictures.

Click Here to Begin

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