Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Verb: The "DOES WHAT" or ACTION in a sentence

In any sentence, there has to be something the noun does. Often, find the subject of the sentence and ask it, "does what"....This is how you find the main verb

The Noun's BFF (Adjective)

Question: What can make a noun be cooler, have personality, or make it really stand out? Why, of course, it's the best friend, Adjective:

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wednesday, September 18th

Hello Class:
**Today you have the opportunity to practice your vocabulary words.
--in your journal your words should be located as well.

Click Here to go To Inside Story Vocabulary

Monday, September 16, 2013

Word Skills Class: How Standards Will Be Earned

Hello Everyone!

HTC standards have changed a bit. These are the standards that will be addressed in this class: (and how they are to be earned)

How will can it be earned?
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**Vocabulary (Reading Literacy standard)

Level 3: All the “Hard” Words on Inside Story Flashcards (.com)
Level 2: 30 “medium” & 20 “hard” on Inside Story Flashcards (.com)
Level 1: 50 “medium” on Inside Story Flashcards (.com)
Level E: 50 “easy” on Inside Story Flashcards (.com)
2 total
*Prefix/suffix/Latin & Greek Roots (Reading Literacy standard)

Level 3: visualization & test on 50 chosen complicated Latin/Greek Roots
Level 2: visualization & test on the 30 most common L/G Roots
Level 1: Choose 10 from common L/G Roots, 10 common prefixes, 10 common suffixes (visualization & test on them)
Level E: Choose 25 common prefixes, and 5 common suffixes (visualization & test on them)
Full stand-
**Spelling (Communications Lit standard)
Level 3: Assess on 20 homophones, 100 freshmen words
Level 2: Assess on 20 homophones, 80 chosen words from 8th grade lists
Level 1: Assess on 15 homophones, 70 chosen words from 7th grade lists
Level E: Assess on 10 homophones, 60 chosen words from 6th grade lists
Full stand- ard
**Parts of Speech (Communications Lit standard)

Level 3: Showcase ALL types of each POS introduced, with examples, plus visualization
Level 2: ALL types of each POS identified in assessment (matching) + original examples
Level 1: SOME types of each POS identified in assessment (matching) + original examples
Level E: SOME basic types of each POS identified in assessment (matching) + some original examples
Full stand-ard
*Visualization (Reading Standard)

All Levels:
*Visualization for POS found in magazines (placed into categories)
*Visualization/Project for Vocabulary (of choice)
*Visualization for Grammar Rules
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**Note Taking (Reading Standard)

All Levels:
Teacher will assess that all notes given in class are:
**Legible, easy to read without straining
**Make use of bullets, asterisks (*), highlighters, or boxing
**Use of 2 column notes is evident
**Notes are organized according to the layout
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