Monday, September 16, 2013

Word Skills Class: How Standards Will Be Earned

Hello Everyone!

HTC standards have changed a bit. These are the standards that will be addressed in this class: (and how they are to be earned)

How will can it be earned?
# hits
**Vocabulary (Reading Literacy standard)

Level 3: All the “Hard” Words on Inside Story Flashcards (.com)
Level 2: 30 “medium” & 20 “hard” on Inside Story Flashcards (.com)
Level 1: 50 “medium” on Inside Story Flashcards (.com)
Level E: 50 “easy” on Inside Story Flashcards (.com)
2 total
*Prefix/suffix/Latin & Greek Roots (Reading Literacy standard)

Level 3: visualization & test on 50 chosen complicated Latin/Greek Roots
Level 2: visualization & test on the 30 most common L/G Roots
Level 1: Choose 10 from common L/G Roots, 10 common prefixes, 10 common suffixes (visualization & test on them)
Level E: Choose 25 common prefixes, and 5 common suffixes (visualization & test on them)
Full stand-
**Spelling (Communications Lit standard)
Level 3: Assess on 20 homophones, 100 freshmen words
Level 2: Assess on 20 homophones, 80 chosen words from 8th grade lists
Level 1: Assess on 15 homophones, 70 chosen words from 7th grade lists
Level E: Assess on 10 homophones, 60 chosen words from 6th grade lists
Full stand- ard
**Parts of Speech (Communications Lit standard)

Level 3: Showcase ALL types of each POS introduced, with examples, plus visualization
Level 2: ALL types of each POS identified in assessment (matching) + original examples
Level 1: SOME types of each POS identified in assessment (matching) + original examples
Level E: SOME basic types of each POS identified in assessment (matching) + some original examples
Full stand-ard
*Visualization (Reading Standard)

All Levels:
*Visualization for POS found in magazines (placed into categories)
*Visualization/Project for Vocabulary (of choice)
*Visualization for Grammar Rules
1 hit
**Note Taking (Reading Standard)

All Levels:
Teacher will assess that all notes given in class are:
**Legible, easy to read without straining
**Make use of bullets, asterisks (*), highlighters, or boxing
**Use of 2 column notes is evident
**Notes are organized according to the layout
1 hit

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