Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Oh, the Nouns all Around:

Class Notes on Nouns:

Nouns: (The many kinds)
common- nouns that are regular (Example: shoe, book, pancake)
      2 types:
concrete: nouns you can actually touch (bike, shoe, cow)
abstract: Nouns you cannot touch (dream, kindness, nobility)
Common nouns, but more than one:
plural- noun that are more than one (Example: mice, people, schools, cookies)

collective- nouns that represent many. (Example: society, community, committee, class)

Common noun made of more than one noun:
compound- noun that is made up of two nouns (Example: book shelf, apple fritter)

Not so Common at all NOUNS:

proper- nouns that are the title of something/someone (Ms. Carton, Alyeska Resort, Highland Tech)
possessive proper- showing it belongs to a proper noun (Example: Eli's, Alyeska's)

possessive- showing "it" is owned. (Example: wallaby's, boy's)

General Note on Nouns:

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